Monday, June 30, 2014

Duke With Sexy Girl

Make Your AC New Again With These 6 Easy Steps

Summers are upon us and if you have not started already, you will soon be thanking the inventor of AC who saves you from this scorching heat. However, like every other machinery that is out there in the market; your AC requires maintenance as well and therefore, we decided to compile a list for our readers so that they can carry out the basic maintenance at their homes. Read on and implement these tips to make your AC new again.

6. Changing the Filter6. Changing the Filter

If you don’t already do this; make it a habit. The filter for your AC should be cleaned bi-weekly and replaced every 1-3 months. Cleaning and changing the filter ensures that you’re maintaining a quality air flow while keeping your AC dust-free.

5. Vents5. Vents

These are located on front of your AC and should be cleaned thoroughly to remove any dirt or any other hindrance that might be present there and reducing your AC’s capacity.

4. Condenser Coil4. Condenser Coil

Use a vacuum to clean this coil thoroughly which will result in improvement in your AC’s performance. You can alternatively make use of an old toothbrush to clean the dirt from the coils.

3. Freon Levels3. Freon Levels

Ideally speaking, your AC should not be consuming any Freon coolant but if that is not the case, you need to be aware that it implies something is wrong with your AC and it is advised to tackle the problem right away instead of delaying it.

2. Electricity2. Electricity

Make sure that the fuse and safety switch all are in working conditions before you start using your AC.

1. Bonus Tip1. Bonus Tip

For those of you who own a window unit AC (the older version); make sure that you don’t switch on the AC right away rather you should turn on its fan first and then after a span of 2-3 minutes, switch on AC to make sure that your AC runs smoother.

Car Wheel Manufacturing Using Robots

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Make Your Own Paving Stones At Home.

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Google Ready to Launch Modular Smartphone in January 2015 for $50

What started as a concept last year and then a promise is quite closer to becoming a reality; modular phones are all set to be on sale by January 2015 as per Google. Smartphones have become such an important part of our daily lives that the conventional smartphones just don’t cut it anymore. This is where the Project Ara by Google came in. The project promised a modular phone that could be upgraded by merely swapping out modules.Google Project Ara Grey Phone
Recently, Google has revealed the working version of a modular smartphone from Project Ara at Google’s I/O Developer conference held in San Francisco. The head of Project Ara, Paul Eremenko, was quite optimistic when he waved the smartphone and stated that up till now, it was under development at a laboratory bench but now it has been set free by the team to check out the phone’s features. He further talked about how it was a challenge to design the phone in such a way that it looked attractive to customers. In words of Paul; ‘The design must overcome the connotations of boxiness and brick-like that people associate with modularity.’ Google is currently working with New Deal Design on this particular project and has announced a project worth $100,000 to design modules for the handset.Google Project Ara Grey Phone 4
This particular smartphone that is modular has been named as ‘Grey Phone’ and shall come with a rather simple frame, screen, Wi-Fi connection and processor and will be fully customizable via a myriad of modules, colors and accessories. Paul explained why it is called the Grey Phone; ‘It’s called the Grey Phone because it’s meant to be drab grey to get people to customize it.’ Grey Phone will be capable of running on multiple batteries; when one dies you can simply detach it and replace it with a full battery module.Google Project Ara Grey Phone 2
Great news is the fact that users will be able to 3D print parts for this smartphone. This will give users the capability to completely customize these parts. Google says that each phone will come with a central ‘spine’ coupled with an endoskeleton which has been nicknamed ‘endo’. The endoskeleton is the structure to which the modules will attach and be detached from. These ‘endos’ will come in three sizes; mini, medium and large. This will allow the ‘Grey Phone’ to take on every kind of smartphone in the market, including the phablets.Google Project Ara Grey Phone 5
Google’s kit explains various modules which include batteries, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth chips, cameras, speakers and more. In ideal conditions; any sensor that will be capable of being attached to a module shall be device compatible. The life span of this Grey Phone is 5-6 years as per Google. Paul, speaking about the functionality of this smartphone, said; ‘If it can be other things, we encourage that. But we intend it to be, ultimately, a great smartphone first and foremost.’ Oh and the smartphone will cost $50 – yeah, that cheap – quite a news, isn’t it?
Guess we’ll find out how good (or bad) this modular smartphone really is in January 2015.

Slipforming construction technique !

Sunday, June 29, 2014

All in An Engineers Life – The Funny Side [27 Pictures]

Doing the course of their work, engineers come across many funny incidents and scenarios. We got photo submissions from engineers all over the world as they shared funny photos of different events they experienced. Check out this photo gallery and have a laugh!
Engineering fails 0 Engineering fails 1 Engineering fails 2 Engineering fails 3 Engineering fails 9 Engineering fails 12 Engineering fails 21 Engineering fails 87 Engineering fails 123 Engineering fails 1234 Engineering fails engineers are awesome 0 engineers are awesome 1 engineers are awesome 2 engineers are awesome 5 engineers are awesome Engineers Life 0 Engineers Life 1 Engineers Life 2 Engineers Life 3 Engineers Life 4 Engineers Life 5 Engineers Life 6 Engineers Life 7 Engineers Life 8 Engineers Life 9 Engineers Life 10 Engineers Life 11 Engineers Life